Friday, June 27, 2008

Don't take this the wrong way, but are you TWO A COUPLE??

That's the second most often question we are asked when we are out together. Who is we? We is my Co-Mom and Me. Marty was the one who came up with the term. Now we sometimes modify the name to Co-Grandma and I will refer to Marty as my partner in crime. But we are the Co-Moms. At one time the only thing we had in common was the fact that my Daughter, J, was dating her son, W (we call him B, but since my son is also a B I'm gonna get all formal).
Now we are a legend in our own minds. When we show up at dance class, the girls all say "what have you two been up to this week"? Our shared hairdresser can't wait to hear our tales. Our husbands roll their eyes, but put up with our antics (sometimes) all the time asking, how much is this going to cost? Our kids laugh. W is more understanding and tolerant of our escapades (as long as we fulfill all the duties he expects of us). J is mostly supportive. But my other 2 have declared us insane and shake their heads sadly when they see me heading to the door with my travel bag (you know they're just jealous).
We are very alike and not at all alike. Each of us has added things that the other was missing. We inspire each other, and egg each other on. Together we are double trouble.
This year we are really pushing the limit. Instead of driving to shows , we are flying. Instead of one show, we'll follow the tour for a bit. (till our families patience runs thin). I think this is the first time ever I canceled classes, not for snow or illness, but for fun. Marty has taught me it's Ok to go away and have a little vacation by yourself. I have taught Marty that it's OK to stand up on the rail and talk to bands (they're just people too).
  1. Here are some of the antics my co-mom and I have enjoyed this year;
  • We Flew into NOLA for 1 day, spent the day walking the streets(stopping to refill our plastic cups numerous times).Met with friends, Attended a concert. Hung out at the bar till the wee hours and flew home hung-over/happy (and I ate Oysters !).
  • Flew down to North Carolina for 3 days. Followed the bands from show to show. Hung out behind the Tour bus and (um hum) partied. Made the guys from Sweden roll with our stories (they can't believe America, a place where you hang out with grandma's before a show). And Marty was introduced to Goldshlager(she was best friends with it one night, the next day she vowed to never touch it again!)
  • Drove down to Baltimore for a show in the middle of nowhere, I treated a couple bands to granny's famous home baking and after the show, we hung out upstairs in the "smoking room" with our newly adopted sons.
  • Threw a huge "spur of the moment" Reggae Bash in my back yard, again with our adopted sons,
  • Totally aced our dance recital, even though we spent the night before in DC seeing another one of our favorite bands.(we were pretty well behaved that night)
  • Celebrated the end of our servitude (babysitting) by getting a pedicure, No biggie right? Wrong, I snuck in champagne in big water bottles, told Marty it was favored vitamin water(she brought that story for 2 seconds), and we got totally looped while the little Asian girls started rolling their eyes like our husbands.
But the biggest thing we shared this year was the birth of our joint, second and third grandchildren. Our lives are rich and full, because we celebrate both the biggest and the smallest things, together. Sometimes I say to Marty(while we are running around our kid's house getting bottles, changing diapers, cleaning the kitchen) this must be what it's like to live in a Mormon house, except for the sharing one husband part( ick !!).
So what’s the thing MOST people ask/say when they see Miss Marty and me
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you two don’t look like the typical Clutch fans”.
Do you have a partner in crime???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

J says...

And when you're not here, it is more like a Catholic household-- too many damn children.